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How Elon Musk's Twitter Deal Email Mishap Could Have Been Avoided

Written by Nick Michael | Sep 20, 2024 3:54:58 PM

In the high-stakes world of mergers and acquisitions, maintaining confidentiality is paramount. Yet, even the most high-profile deals can be affected by simple human error. Case in point: the recent allegations regarding Elon Musk's Twitter acquisition, where his legal team may have accidentally sent sensitive financial information to the wrong recipients.

The Twitter Email Debacle: What Happened?

According to reports, Musk's lawyers inadvertently emailed a spreadsheet containing details of potential investors to Twitter's finance team. This spreadsheet included confidential information about individuals and firms from whom Musk's team had sought financial backing for the Twitter deal.

Realizing their mistake, Musk's team quickly demanded recipients delete the email and its contents. It's not a very professional look: While mistakes do happen, this is an example of one small action that could have sweeping consequences, especially if the recipients of that message did not comply with the request. 

How The Email Mishap Could Have Been Prevented

This mishap highlights the critical need for layered data security that safeguards against human error when sharing sensitive information:

1. Data Encryption Paired with Persistent Access Control

Virtru ties encryption and access controls directly to the data, ensuring that even if an email is sent to the wrong recipient, the content remains protected and unreadable without proper authorization.

But encryption alone only goes so far: If an email is encrypted, but access is granted to the wrong person, that wrong person can still decrypt and access that data. The game-changer is the ability to alter or revoke access permissions at any time. This way, if a mistake happens, the data owner can recognize the mistake and make changes so that the wrong recipient can no longer access the data.  

This is what Virtru does. With Virtru's solutions for Outlook, Gmail, Google Drive, and secure file sharing, senders can set granular access controls, determining who can view the content and for how long. This feature would have allowed Musk's team to revoke data access immediately upon realizing their mistake. 

2. Audit Trails to Better Understand Risk

Virtru also allows you to track who accessed sensitive data and when, providing valuable insights and helping to mitigate any potential damage. In the case of the Twitter mishap, the sender — and the organization's IT administrators — could see whether the file was actually accessed by the recipient. If they acted quickly enough, they could revoke access permissions and demonstrate that the email or file was never opened. That would provide reassurance, especially in a sensitive dynamic around mergers and acquisitions. 

3. Automated Protections to Overcome Human Error

With data security, you want multiple layers of protection in case something gets missed — like if a user forgets to protect an outgoing email or file before sending. That's where the Virtru Data Protection Gateway comes in: It provides a layer of server-side protection to automatically detect and protect sensitive information before it leaves the organization. It runs in the background constantly, invisible to the user — so in the case of the Twitter mishap, if a Gateway was set up to detect keywords around financial details or investors, the content could have been either blocked or automatically protected with encryption and access controls before leaving the organization — providing the audit and flexibility mentioned in points 1 and 2. 

Overcome Human Error with Proactive Data Security

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for proactive data protection measures in all business communications, especially those involving sensitive financial information. By implementing solutions like Virtru, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches caused by human error.

Moreover, having robust data protection in place can help maintain trust and professionalism, even in the face of easy-to-make mistakes. With proper controls in place, Musk's team could have simply revoked access to the mistakenly sent information, maintaining governance over their data without issue. 

If Elon Musk's story gives you pause about your own organization's email practices, contact our team to start the conversation. Virtru makes it remarkably easy to apply simple, easy-to-use data security to the emails and files you share.